Saturday, August 11, 2007

A little talk

I just had a little talk with someone I really admire... (I will not deny that I had a crush on him from the first time I met him). That crush grew into admiration... but honestly say, it was just like that... plain and simple admiration...

So, what did we talked about?

It's about the changes in my 'career' that'll be going through in the following months.

I was surprised that he was the first person to ask me what made me decide to take the bigger responsibility a day after I talked to my superiors.

No, I wouldn't say that he's a close friend, but he is a friend. True to the adage that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Marked by malicious descriptions by insecure people... the hell I care. He is one misunderstood person. I never heard him ill-speak against those people who mocked him and continuously talk behind his back. The hell he care...

Pity for those people who are blind to see the goodness in every human being.

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