Friday, January 11, 2008

Finding My Space in a Male Dominated World

I've been more than a month on training now...
and since the plant is currently on shutdown... equipment maintenance and plant thorough check-up is on-going... With different areas to be inspected, I was assigned in the most favorite area of all... the Drying/Packing Area... Hahaha! I only had two days orientation on doing the area patrol and equipment monitoring and my favorite part, the sampling... (Naman!)

Two days prior to that, my superior told me to take the 2nd shift duty (6am-2pm). I was glad, since I honestly kinda hated the 8-5 duty. Surprisingly, when I took the shift, I was the only senior to take the turn-over activities... Nyaiks!!!

Awkward it may seem, the only choice is to be brave enough to take the responsibility or be coward and say I can't without even trying...

So, knowing myself...ehem!!!

I don't run on any given responsibility and besides... I trust my workmates enough to take care of me... Yeah! I do trust them...!

You see, I'm not a newbie... I'm a trainee on becoming the superior of the people who currently assists me, I'd prefer to call them my workmates... the fact that they call me Mam, Ms. Au, or Madam... still I look for their help in the field... Obviously, seniority counts alot in people giving me respect (aside from the age factor of course...) but more than that, proving myself worthy of their respect is one whole different business... and I need not to further boast on that...

For a woman, it is hard to find a space in a male dominated world, especially if the world is already occupied with big-headed male species... but time changes, fortunately, it is now.

While I burn my time learning the whole process of dealing with greater responsibility and different personalities, I am glad the space I'm looking is paving its way for me...


  1. no doubt you can be your best as always!!! read the story of Queen Elizabeth I to give some inspiration how she handled those men around her during her reign but don't indulge yourself too much to her autobiography just get the techniques how to handle men, remember in her tomb encrypted these words "live as a virgin, die as a virgin" matakot ka hahahaha!!!! I miss you!!!

  2. "live as a virgin, die as a virgin" ???? Goshhhh!!! that cannot be.... hehehehe!!!!


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