Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Am I Ready?

Shouldn't have been sooner perhaps?
I was being paired up and has been set-up for many dates for which I have declined all. For only one reason, I am not ready yet. There's this kind of fear that to all of us who have been broken-hearted  for all the right, stupid and unbelievable reasons you could think of would understand.

Years... three and a half years.

When the last relationship has taken all of me. It was a long process of acceptance, letting go and moving on. While many people would say that having someone will make it easier to forget the hurt of the past, but I'm not like that. I felt I needed my time, my selfish time.

It was a pretty tough time for my healing heart.

I was living in the past. The monster fear of hurting again has grown enormously in my consciousness. I couldn't move away from the shadows of memories, I just couldn't.

Opportunities. Chances.

It will all fall into place. It will come. It will be given. When you're ready.

Am I ready?

Dating 101.

Please be patient with me. And let's take this nice and slow.

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